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Software Engineering Projects

Welcome to the Projects section, where Yuvraj shares his journey of learning and growth in software development. This collection of projects reflects his dedication to honing his skills and exploring new technologies. From simple web applications to small coding experiments, each project represents a step forward in his learning process. Join Yuvraj on his coding adventure as he shares his progress and showcases the projects that have shaped his development journey.

Dev Circle Web App

This is a social media application made in a very limited time frame as a school project. It is capable to work exactly like LinkedIn but except it only posts and retrieve your shared images or videos. Limited time frame 🚀. But in order to understand a little about React.js, Redux and Styled Components - I made this project as to teach myself about these technologies.

  • Social Media application that fetches uploaded data in real-time and displays it in a component.
  • Developed a full-stack web application using React.js with Firebase serving as the database.
  • Implemented Google OAuth with firestore to log in user sign-ins.

📌 GitHub Link included on "How to set up a React and Firebase Stack project."

⚙️ Technologies Used: React.js, Redux, Styled Components, Firebase, Reactplayer

Algorithms Visualizer

What are Pathfinding Algorithms? Pathfinding algorithms are usually an attempt to solve the shortest path problem in graph theory. They try to find the best path given a starting point and ending point based on some predefined criteria.

The project is called Algorithms Visualizer, aptly because it pretty much does what it says, it finds a path from a source to a destination. This project is based on graph theory.

Currently supported algorithms are:

  • Dijkstra's Algorithm (Weighted)
  • A* Search (Weighted)
  • Greedy (Weighted)
  • Breath First Search (Unweighted)
  • Depth First Search (Unweighted)

📌 GitHub Link included on "How to set up a super basic Node.js project"

⚙️ Technologies Used: Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript

Instant Profile Access

Applying for a job oppurtunity? Making a social media profile? Need all your profiles and important links instantly? I have struggled with this a lot, so created this browser extension to store and share your social and important links easily.

This is a chrome browser extension capable of storing your important links - manually - in one place. The extension works on Manifest Version 2.0 (Every extension has a JSON-formatted manifest file, named manifest.json, that provides important information). The links are stored in Local Storage of your browser - haven't worked out the online form yet 🤷🏼‍♂️.

  • Add in your urls and click the save icon.
  • The urls will be saved automatically in your browsers local storage.
  • And now just copy those urls from the copy icon.
  • Once pressed on delete/trash icon, the url gets deleted from your local storage.
  • There's a Add New Profile to add new links in your repertoire.

📌 GitHub Link included on "How to set up a chrome extension with Manifest v2.0."

⚙️ Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Manifest Version 2.0


This project involved leveraging OpenAI's API to interact with ChatGPT and developing a set of four Python APIs. These APIs were designed to simplify the setup of health sources, verify deployments, and monitor the health of a service. The success of this hackathon project led to its incorporation into the product, resulting in enhanced SLO configuration and faster onboarding. The project received recognition from engineering managers for its valuable contributions.

  • Designed the APIs to suggest commonly used queries, provide contextual insights, recommend SLOs tailored to unique service requirements, and recommend composite SLOs based on data-driven insights.
  • Enhanced the SLO onboarding process by suggesting the most critical metrics and effective queries amidst vast data and providing human-friendly explanations.
  • Hackathon project recognized by engineering managers; incorporated into the product to enhance SLO configuration and onboarding speed.

📌 Hackathon Post Link "Hack Week 2023 - Harnessing the Power: UNSTOPPABLE."

⚙️ Technologies Used: Python, OpenAPI

OpenCV Detection Project

Developed a Python script using OpenCV and Jupyter Notebooks to detect facial and object features from various formats such as jpg, png, mpeg4, and webcam. Implemented cascade classifiers utilizing haarcascades and Stump-based raw cascades to improve detection accuracy. Utilized the AdaBoost algorithm to transform linear virtual features into strong classifiers, resulting in more precise object detection. Successfully demonstrated the script's functionality by detecting multiple objects and facial features in real-time video streams.

📌 GitHub Link included on "How to set up a OpenCV based project in Jupyter Notebook."

⚙️ Technologies Used: Python, OpenCV and Jupyter Notebooks

To delve deeper into Yuvraj's projects, feel free to explore the rest of his site. Connect with him today and embark on an inspiring journey together!
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